
Leagues of Cthulhu

Created by Triple Ace Games Ltd

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Inside the Covers
over 8 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 10:45:36 PM

Hi folks,

As promised, albeit a little late, Wiggy is here is talk a little about what you'll find inside the various books. Please keep in mind that these books are not yet written and thus nothing has been set in stone.

Leagues of Cthulhu

While it forms its own setting within the greater Leagues universe, this book is not a complete roleplaying game. Nor is it going to repeat material from Leagues of Gothic Horror.

We already have a working Sanity system and a means of learning spells from consulting tomes. Aside from some tweaks, such as Horror ratings now going as far as 10 (we considered 11 for those who might get the reference), new tomes, and a new stat for tomes, these will remain the same.

Although much concerning magic will remain the same, there wil also be some major changes. For instance, Summon Horror will be divided into two new rituals. The first is generic, applying to lower monsters, but must be learned for each specific type of being. Thus, there'll be Summon Deep One and Summon Byhakee. The second category ios for unique entities, such as Summon Cthulhu. The latter will have huge modifiers, which makes ley lines and cultists vital.

Similarly, ANY CHARACTER will be able to cast spells, although they can only learn them from occult tomes. The downside is that casting now causes a Horror check. :)

The core addition is a new Skill - Eldritch Lore. This Skill cannot be learned through Experience points, instead increasing the more you study Things Man Was Not Meant To Know. As the Skill improves, so maximum Sanity drops. Eventually your character will learn too much about the truth of the universe and spend his days in an asylum. There'll be a new Leagues open only to those who have a level in Eldritch Lore, some new weird science, and such like - pretty much the usual.

The Dreamlands

While there will be a gazetteer and bestiary, the most important part of this book will concern rules for entering the Dreamlands and modifying it.

Entering the Dreamlands is not easy, especially for adults. Fortunately, there will be a new Talent (Adept Dreamer) for those who want to walk the weird realm. One can also engage in drugs as a means of entering the right mindset, though this may lead to addiction. 

Altering the Dreamlands is even harder then entering. Without Adept Dreamer, one stands no chance of reshaping the world of dreams - one simply lacks the skill and imagination. Small changes require little effort, whereas a permanent alteration (such as creating a new city) is a massive effort for even true masters of dreamscaping.

As usual there'll be plenty for helping create characters - new Leagues, Motivations, Talents, Flaws, and Weird Science. Maybe even a ritual or two.

Only one sample character is planned - Novice Dreamer. When the stretch goal is unlocked, we'll create a new pledge for anyone who wants their image to be used for this character.

Cutthroats & Cthulhu

Let me state again that this is not a standalone RPG - it's an historical setting for Leagues of Cthulhu. So what can you expect?

Well, there'll be a gazetteer of both the Caribbean and Barbary Coast, stats for various ships and weapons, fencing schools, and such like - all the things you expect in a good pirate movie. Whether or not there'll be rules for ship-to-ship combat is something we're still debating. Even if there, it'll be an abstract system designed for ease of play, not a tabletop skirmish game.

Spellcasting will more than likely be reserved for NPCs, with voodoo being the most common in the Caribbean and entreating with jinn on the Barbary Coast. While your heroes can swash and buckle all day and night, mastery of the supernatural is beyond them.

No idea how many sample characters we'll include (space may be required for more important things), but there will be at least two. Again, we'll open up pledge levels for those who want to be immortalized as scurvy dogs or dashing rogues.


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

Color Unlocked!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 08:07:54 AM

Hi folks,

Cthulhu is pleased - he'll now be appearing in glorious color! With the stretch goal unlocked we not only commission color art (including the images of the Cthulhu Fhtagn backers) but we also upgrade the paper to a higher quality.

There is still the better part of three weeks to go and the next stretch goal to hit is The Dreamlands!


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

Update #3
over 8 years ago – Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 01:23:08 AM

Hi folks,

More and more potential cultists have been lured by the call of Cthulhu and we're very close to unlocking the first stretch goal!

What with Monday being Halloween, Wiggy will talk more about what you'll find in Leagues of Cthulhu, Realm of Hypnos: The Dreamlands, and Cutthroats & Cthulhu in an update.


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

Cthulhu Preview
over 8 years ago – Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 05:19:02 PM

Hi folks,

While we've only done some preliminary writing for Leagues of Cthulhu, there is enough variation to put together a short preview. So that's what we've done!

Please note that this is a first draft, uses placeholder art, and doesn't have the final page background. The color image of "Victorian Jeff Combos" will be replaced, either by a backer of the Cthulhu Fhtagn level or someone from our artist's imagination.


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

over 8 years ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 12:50:22 AM

Hi folks!

Thanks to your generosity, not to mention love for the Great Old Ones, Leagues of Cthulhu has funded! The first stretch goal to reach is to upgrade the book to full color. After that, we enter The Dreamlands!

Please help share the word of this project far and wide - we want to unlock as many stretch goals as possible so you get the maximum rewards!

Thank you again!

Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games