
Leagues of Cthulhu

Created by Triple Ace Games Ltd

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 8 years ago – Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 11:05:01 PM

Hi folks,

Links to complimentary PDFs of Leagues of Adventure and Gothic Horror, which every backer gets, will be sent out on Wednesday. You will receive the link via the KS messaging system, so check your account.

Miskatonic University Freshmen will receive a link to the monster Guides once the final two books are finished. We're not far away from this.

Backers who pledged for add-ons that include PDF copies will have to wait until we send out the surveys and we can confirm the add-on. This will occur in Spring 2017 at the earliest.

Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

We are go!
about 8 years ago – Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 07:45:07 AM

Hi folks,

We've just had confirmation that Kickstarter have handed over your pledges to us. Not that we had any doubts they wouldn't, but it is one of many hurdles we have to cross between funding a project and delivering it to you.

Not that we've been sitting around waiting for the money to arrive - Wiggy has already read 800 pages of Lovecraft stories and taken copious notes. Just another 800 or so to go!

Writing will commence in January 2017. This gives Wiggy time to finish his reading and note taking, and start drafting the new game mechanics, Leagues, weird science devices, and so on. Unless something goes hideously wrong (like Cthulhu destroying the world), our next update will be the middle of January 2017.

Keep your eyes peeled around the middle of December - we're going to try and fund dice for All for One, Leagues of Adventure, Leagues of Gothic Horror, and Leagues of Cthulhu. More news on that soon!


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

Ups and Downs
about 8 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 06:49:08 AM

Hi folks,

Just a short update!

THE UP: We have decided to upgrade the LOC book one step further and include color end plates at no additional cost to any backer. This will allow us to do something special with the signed and numbered editions as an extra thank you for those who remained faithful to the end.

THE DOWN: We know some of you are upset that "we're only £400" from a stretch goal book. That isn't the entire truth, though. Backers only see the total pledged, not the total received. Right now we're down over £700 on the amount raised, meaning we're over £1000 from unlocking a stretch goal book. 

That's mainly down to banks preventing potentially suspicious transactions - which is cool and can be fixed - but one or two people will, based on past experience, never pay up. Sure, they never get their rewards, but in the past that has actually dropped us below an unlocked stretch goal level (though we've always honored the amount pledged rather than raised).


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

about 8 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 05:22:46 AM

Hi folks,

A sincere thanks to everyone who pledged. Through the power of your chanting (and funding) we can awaken Cthulhu and turn Leagues of Cthulhu from a dream into a reality! Well, definitely the latter, anyway.

We can guess what's on your lips - what happens to Dreamlands and Cutthroats? Well, the honest answer is nothing - for now. You funded Cthulhu and that is our focus. We'll take a look at the other titles again next year, along with some other Leagues of Adventure and Gothic Horror books we'd like to see in print.

As for the dice, all we can say is... keep your eyes peeled later in the month!

There is a long way to go before this book sees print - writing won't commence until January due to other projects in front of the queue (the Guides to Shapeshifters & Vampires) and art will follow once the writing is done. 

During this early phase, our plan is to update you on the first Wednesday of each month (holidays permitting and starting next month). Seriously - not a lot of interest is going to happen for months while Wiggy taps away at the keyboard. As we draw nearer to the end and more starts to happen (sample artwork returned, layout, editing, etc.), updates will become more frequent.

Thank you again!

Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

about 8 years ago – Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 05:59:08 PM

Hi folks,

Today we have another preview for you - the Cursed Clergyman!

It's important to note that this character isn't actually from Leagues of Cthulhu - he's from the as-yet-unedited Leagues of Gothic Horror Expansion. So why are we showing it to you guys and gals? Simple - the entire Leagues range is interconnected. Read the character and you'll (hopefully) see what we mean - the amount of work needed to switch this character from Gothic Horror to Cthulhu is absolutely zero. The same pretty much applies to anything else in Leagues of Adventure or Leagues of Gothic Horror.


Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games